Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thing 14

What a great class we had today. We worked in groups in a jigsaw manner. We each looked at one online resource found in the My group looked at united streaming and where we could look at a tutorial to learn more on its use. We discovered that in the Atomic Learning their is a tutorial that explains all the A,B, C's for streaming. It looks like the home page has a title of Discovering streaming. This is an easy access for many different subjects. In mathematics I saw a nice video on functions that I could use in my class. It was stated that there are a number of other databases that link to united streaming. Students will enjoy the videos. There are teacher planning tools as well as quizes at the end of a video. There were some great suggestions to prepare for presenting the video in class. One was to download to the desktop for easy access. Another was to burn it on to a DVD. To enlarge the screen it was suggested to use the remote control and zoom for a clearer picture. It was also suggested that we use speakers since the computer speaker is not able to give the volume for the class.
Along with this database we were exposed to a number of other reliable resources. Gale had the student Edition, Informe, and Discovery, EBSCO, SIRS Discover for grades 4-9 and Researcher for grades 9-12. So many resources. It was a very good class for we students to dig in. Thank you Metronet and friends.

1 comment:

Janet Knoll said...

It really was great to sit down together and explore United Streaming, and to hear what others had to say about their databases. I learned a lot from the exercise and know that I'll continue to dig deeper into the resources.