Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thing 4

I have accessed the online library system and I have requested my first item. I have requested "Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont" in DVD form for my personal viewing. I waited 2 days and rechecked the online library for the status of my request and it stated my requested was being processed. This is so cool. You can even take care of your library fines online. Way too convenient. In my case, that may be the trick to keeping those fines at a minimum and avoiding the embarrassing confrontation with the librarian when he/she convey those fines. One can only hope.
In order to utilize the Public Library in the classroom our Highland Librarian will work with our advisory students and staff to help them acquire library cards.


Anonymous said...

Did you look at Library Elf in the More part of Thing 4? I find that having ELF email me several days before my stuff is due helps me save a lot of $$$ in fines. I can either return the items or renew them online. Plus, I have noticed that for holds, Elf usually beats my local system in letting me know.

lyoder said...

Also, if you have a teacher library account you are not charged fines on print materials. One of the many perks of being a teacher...
